
Friday 2 October 2009

Deloitte ignores capital

Deloitte, one of the Big Four accounting and auditing multi-nationals, also ignores the paragraphs in the Framework that deal with the concepts of capital, capital maintenance and the determination of profit or loss in their presentation of the Framework on their site IAS Plus as at 02/10/2009. Deloitte do not even mention one word in their presentation of the Framework about the fact that companies can measure financial capital maintenance in units of constant purchasing power.

This appears to be another example of the lack of understanding by accountants in general that an essential function of accounting is to maintain the real value of constant items at all levels of inflation and deflation which can only be achieved with the IASB approved CIPPA model in the Framework, Par. 104 (a) during low inflation and IAS 29 during hyperinflation.

Similarly the paragraphs in the Framework dealing with the concepts of capital, the concepts of financial capital maintenance and units of constant purchasing power were also omitted from presentation of the Framework in the Wikipedia article on IFRS till they were added very recently. The whole of the Framework was summarized in the Wikipedia article, except those paragraphs.

The concept of financial capital maintenance in units of constant purchasing power during low inflation seems to have been correctly treated by the IASC Board twenty years ago – and then simply just ignored by everyone.

Kindest regards,

Nicolaas Smith

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