
Wednesday 11 July 2007


The following Trademarks are owned by Nicolaas Johannes Smith

Constant Unit of Purchasing Power ™   14-07-2019

CUPP ™ 14-07-2019

ÇUPP ™ 14-07-2019

Constant ™  14-07-2019

€ CUPP ™  14-07-2019

$ CUPP ™ 14-07-2019

£ CUPP™ 14-07-2019

YEN CUPP™ 14-07-2019

YUAN  CUPP ™  14-07-2019

ROUBLE  CUPP ™  14-07-2019

SWISS FRANC  CUPP ™  14-07-2019

RAND CUPP™ 14-07-2019

Capital Maintenance in Units of Constant Purchasing Power™


Constant Item Purchasing Power Accounting™


constant real value non-monetary item™

constant item™

Variable real value non-monetary item™

Variable item™

Accounting dollar-indexation™

Inflation illusion™

The singular implies the use of the plural and small letters imply the use of capital letters: for both cases in all variations and combinations.

Reviewed 12-04-16