
Wednesday 11 July 2007

Unidade Real de Valor r

Zimbabwe can normalise everything following another country that had hyperinflation for 10 years and never had your problems.

That country is Brazil.

The Zim government should find out how Brazil stabilised its economy with a real value unit. They called it the Unidade Real de Valor. That is the only way to save Zimbabwe now. But someone has to explain the workings of the non-monetary real value unit to the Zim government.

The Zim governemt´s ideas are not working. Brazil knew what to do. Follow their proven success plan.

Here is a link to the Unidade Real de Valor:

It was "a non-monetary reference currency"

Reviewed 12-04-16


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Constant Unit of Purchasing Power ™   14-07-2019

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ÇUPP ™ 14-07-2019

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SWISS FRANC  CUPP ™  14-07-2019

RAND CUPP™ 14-07-2019

Capital Maintenance in Units of Constant Purchasing Power™


Constant Item Purchasing Power Accounting™


constant real value non-monetary item™

constant item™

Variable real value non-monetary item™

Variable item™

Accounting dollar-indexation™

Inflation illusion™

The singular implies the use of the plural and small letters imply the use of capital letters: for both cases in all variations and combinations.

Reviewed 12-04-16