
Thursday 26 December 2013

Conceptual Framework Discussion Paper: Notable Comment Letter from the INSTITUT DER WIRTSCHAFTSPRÜFER

Conceptual Framework Discussion Paper: Notable Comment Letter from the INSTITUT DER WIRTSCHAFTSPRÜFER

The IDW notes:

"The IDW appreciates the opportunity to comment on the IASB Discussion 
Paper 2013/1 ‘A Review of the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting.

In general, we welcome the Board’s decision to reinitiate the Conceptual 
Framework project. However, we believe that the timing of the publication of the Discussion Paper is inopportune as the Board is still working on its four main standard projects (revenue recognition, leases, insurance contracts and 
financial instruments). It is essential to ensure that these long-term projects are consistent with one another and completed with priority. Upon completion of these projects, the Board should use the insights gained for revising the 
Conceptual Framework.

We agree with the Board’s decision to develop a complete set of proposals for a revised Conceptual Framework, i.e. not to continue with the phased approach.

Given the complexity as well as the interdependency of the various issues
addressed in the Conceptual Framework project, a phased approach would
necessarily result in unintended consequences and could lead to new 
inconsistencies. However, we had expected the Board to undertake a 
fundamental and comprehensive review of the Conceptual Framework rather 
than merely ‘updating, improving and filling in gaps’. Currently it seems to us 
that the IASB is only proposing a quick fix solution.

We doubt whether the proposals in the Discussion Paper reflect the significance of the Conceptual Framework appropriately. Many of the proposed approaches (e.g. to profit and loss and recycling or for the distinction between equity and liabilities) seem only ‘half-baked’. Moreover, in some cases the dividing line between the principles in the Conceptual Framework and the provisions in IAS 1 is not readily identifiable (e.g. in the case of going concern). Obviously, much more time is needed, and we urge the IASB to take the time necessary to revise the Framework in such a way that it can provide both, a consistent and sound conceptual basis for financial reporting under IFRS and be of real assistance to the IASB in developing or amending future Standards. 

Although the specific provisions at the Standards level should always take 
precedence over the principles of the Conceptual Framework, the Conceptual 
Framework must be generally binding when the IASB develops or amends 
Standards. Therefore, we recommend that – going forward – the IASB’s 
adherence to the final provisions of the Conceptual Framework should be 
monitored. This would also contribute to improving the accountability of the 
entire IASB’s standard-setting process. A departure from the Conceptual 
Framework should only be possible in rare cases." 

The complete comment letter is available HERE dated 2013-12-20 on Page 1.

Friday 20 December 2013

IASB believes that capital maintenance is only required during high inflation and hyperinflation

The constant purchasing power (real value) of capital needs to be maintained constant during low inflation and deflation and not only during high inflation and hyperinflation as it is generally accepted.

‘It is essential to the credibility of financial reporting to recognize that the recovery of the real cost of investment is not earnings — that there can be no earnings unless and until the purchasing power of capital is maintained.’

FAS 33 1979: 24

The above statement refers to low inflation and deflation too.

The following is Question 26 regarding Capital Maintenance in the IASB´s Discussion Paper on the Conceptual Framework:

Question 26 - Other Issues:

Capital maintenance
Capital maintenance is discussed in paragraphs 9.45–9.54. The IASB plans to include the existing descriptions and the discussion of capital maintenance concepts in the revised Conceptual Framework largely unchanged until such time as a new or revised Standard on accounting for high inflation indicates a need for change.

Do you agree? Why or why not? Please explain your reasons

The IASB clearly implies above that capital maintenance in units of constant purchasing power (which would maintain the real value of equity) is only required as from the onset of high inflation. The IASB luckily also discovered recently (in June 2013 after I had pointed it out to them) that capital maintenance in units of constant purchasing power was actually required in IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies even though the Board had authorised it twenty four years ago in 1989. The IASB staff recently (April 2013) still mistakenly stated that there is no guidance in IFRS regarding capital maintenance in units of constant purchasing power. The IASB is by now at least well aware that IAS 29 requires capital maintenance in units of constant purchasing power in terms of the monthly published CPI. 

Entities - including the IASB - operating during low inflation and deflation generally believe that Capital Maintenance in Units of Constant Purchasing Power as authorised in the Conceptual Framework, Par. 4.59 (a) at all levels of inflation and deflation does not need to be applied to ensure the maintenance of the real value (constant purchasing power) of equity during low inflation and deflation. This is the case despite the fact that financial capital maintenance in nominal monetary units (HCA) during continuous 2% annual inflation results in the erosion / destruction of 51% of the real value of that portion of equity not covered by the real value of net assets over 35 years. 

No company in the world knows whether it maintained in the past and currently maintains the constant purchasing power of its capital constant during low and high inflation and deflation. No company in the world does that calculation during low and high inflation and deflation. No-one knows.

Financial capital maintenance in nominal monetary units during 2 percent annual inflation - mistakenly regarded as price stability in the US and European Monetary Union (and everywhere else) - results in the erosion (destruction) of the constant purchasing power (real value) of equity in that portion of equity that is not covered by the REAL value of net assets. 100% of equity being equal to 100% of net assets IN NOMINAL MONETARY TERMS (i.e., balancing the books under financial capital maintenance in nominal monetary units under the Historical Cost Accounting model) does not guarantee that the real value (constant purchasing power) of equity is being maintained constant during low and high inflation and deflation. 

The following are the answers of some respondents to Question 26. It can be seen that they mistakenly believe that capital maintenance only applies as from the onset of high inflation and that it is not required during low inflation.


ACAG has no view on this issue. The Australian public sector has not been in a high inflation environment for many years and the capital maintenance paragraphs in the existing Conceptual Framework are rarely used.

It is very clear from the above that concepts of capital maintenance are rarely used during low inflation in Australasia.

This view that the capital maintenance paragraphs in the existing Conceptual Framework are rarely used is a very good overall summary regarding capital maintenance during low inflation and deflation, not only in Australasia, but also in the world economy.


We agree with the Board´s view to deliberate the appropriate capital maintenance concept when discussing accounting for high inflation. 

Capital maintenance - maintaining the real value of equity - during low inflation is obviously not considered important in Germany.


ESMA is not aware of any issues with IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies but would welcome a clearer reference in the ED as ESMA agrees that something could be done in the revised CF. 


We agree with the IASB to defer revision or refinement until it is needed, because we have 
not encountered high inflation issues. 

The Hong Kong Association of Banks clearly also believes no capital maintenance is required during low inflation.

We agree that the IASB should defer its work on capital maintenance until it develops new provisions or revises the extant Standard (IAS 29) on accounting for hyperinflation. 

See also: IASB has "a lack of understanding about the fundamental role a capital maintenance concept has within the accounting framework"

Nicolaas Smith Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Nicolaas J Smith. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Monday 16 December 2013

Conceptual Framework Discussion Paper: Notable Comment Letter from The Linde Group

Conceptual Framework Discussion Paper: Notable Comment Letter from The Linde Group

Question 26 - Other Issues:
Capital maintenance

Capital maintenance is discussed in paragraphs 9.45–9.54. The IASB plans to include the existing descriptions and the discussion of capital maintenance concepts in the revised Conceptual Framework largely unchanged until such time as a new or revised Standard on accounting for high inflation indicates a need for change.

Do you agree? Why or why not? Please explain your reasons

"The concept of capital maintenance drives virtually all recognition and measurement rules that exist in a set of accounting rules (except for most disclosure requirements). Therefore the prescription of capital maintenance philosophy behind is the nucleus of all that follows and should be named and illustrated at the beginning of the framework. The theoretically most relevant sort of capital maintenance is the maintenance of earnings power. 

This means that a net gain is only given if the dcf value of the company has changed positively. Given that such a concept of capital maintenance is impracticable, IFRS should at least aim at an approximation to this und the restriction of inter-subjective provability. This means that cost accounting for a machine for instance represents an approximation of the earnings power of this machine if you assume that – at the time of acquisition the maximum purchase price for the machine from the company’s perspective was determined on the basis of a rationale decision process and state of the art valuation techniques in place so that the acquisition cost do not exceed the earning potential within the company. Under these conditions the price paid by the company for the acquisition of the machine represents an observable and therefore verifiable minimum earnings contribution of the asset to the overall earning power of the company. Depreciation then represents a – also very rough but well verifiable – roll forward of this approximated earning contribution value. Once there is evidence that this value is overstated it has to be corrected to the correct amount in the way of impairment. 
In the light of such a capital maintenance concept that only sacrifices earning power contribution for sake of verifiability, the definition of unit of account can be refined more precisely and the basic assumptions for definition and recognition can be derived. Therefore we would plead for giving this point more prominence." 

The complete comment letter is available HERE dated 2013-12-09 on Page 1.

Sunday 15 December 2013

Conceptual Framework Discussion Paper: Notable Comment Letter from the Australian Heads of Treasuries Accounting and Reporting Advisory Commitee

Conceptual Framework Discussion Paper: Notable Comment Letter from the Australian Heads of Treasuries Accounting and Reporting Advisory Committee

The HoTARAC notes:

"HoTARAC has significant concerns on the discussion in a number of areas.

HoTARAC does not believe the discussion of topics proceeds in a logical progression from a coherent set of core principles. In HoTARAC´s view, this, at least in part, derives from:

  • insufficient consideration of the objectives of financial reporting and their application to the topics at hand, and reliance on the existing chapters of the conceptual framework;
  • delegation of core concepts, often fundamental to the topic discussed, to other projects; and
  • the framework being developed to justify current practice, rather than from a sound conceptual basis.
The framework also appears to be developed in isolation from advances in related disciplines, such as communication, finance, economics and valuation with a consequent risk of loss of relevance.

Additionally, HoTARAC is concerned that the framework is being developed without consideration of the future direction of financial reporting, including the development of standards for the not-for-porfit and public sectors."

The complete comment letter is available HERE dated 2013-12-02 on Page 1.

Friday 13 December 2013

Venezuela is NOT in hyperinflation according to lunatic fringe economist Prof. Steve Hanke

Venezuela is NOT in hyperinflation according to lunatic fringe economist Prof. Steve Hanke: see 

Venezuela’s Playbook: The Communist Manifesto

Millions of accountants and economists world wide follow the International Accounting Standard Board´s definition of 100% cumulative inflation over three years. That is 26% annual inflation for three years in a row. 

Venezuela has thus been officially in hyperinflation since November 2009 and has officially been implementing IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies for that year end and all following financial periods till today. Steve Hanke simply ignores that.

Venezuela is currently at about 5% monthly inflation or 54% official annual inflation. Hanke puts Venezuela´s implied annual inflation currently at 297% - still far away from his 13 000% annual inflation threshold before hyperinflation takes hold in Venezuela - according to the lunatic fringe crowd.

Lunatic fringe Steve Hanke is waiting for Venezuela to reach 50% monthly inflation, i.e., 13 000 percent annual inflation before he will agree that Venezuela is in hyperinflation. 

Only he, his students (obviously) and a handful other lunatic fringe economists think like that.

The lunatic fringe Professor derides Maduro´s economic policies while Hanke himself refuses to acknowledge the generally accepted, globally implemented definition of hyperinflation.

I would not recommend Hanke for any advice regarding hyperinflation. He also continues to peddle his obsolete and extremely costly Dollarization and Currency Board solutions (which also removes a country´s independent monetary policy capability) to fight hyperinflation. 

Daily Indexing (Capital Maintenance in Units of Constant Purchasing Power in terms of a Daily CPI) is free as well as authorized in International Financial Reporting Standards and US GAAP. 

Nicolaas Smith Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Nicolaas J Smith. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Monday 2 December 2013

Computation of the Daily CPI in Turkey

Computation of the Daily CPI in Turkey

The Daily CPI is a lagged, daily interpolation of the monthly published CPI. 

All countries issuing government capital inflation-indexed bonds calculate Daily CPIs. Daily CPIs can be one to four month lagged, daily interpolations. 

Turkey uses a three-month lagged daily interpolation of its monthly published CPI.

Computation of the Daily CPI in Turkey

The Turkish Daily CPI is available HERE. (Click on Reference Indices under 

CPI Indexed Government Bonds)

Turkey can use the above Daily CPI to implement Capital Maintenance in Units of Constant Purchasing Power in terms of a Daily CPI during low inflation as authorised in IFRS in the Conceptual Framework (2010), Par. 4.59 (a) which states:

"Financial capital maintenance can be measured in either nominal monetary units or units of constant purchasing power." 

CMUCPP in terms of a Daily CPI would automatically maintain the constant purchasing power of capital (equity) constant for an indefinite period of time - ceteris paribus - in all entities that at least break even in real value at all levels of inflation and deflation.

Nicolaas Smith

Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Nicolaas J Smith. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Not indexing bank interest to inflation may be unconstitutional

Not indexing bank interest to inflation may be unconstitutional.

Nicolaas Smith Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Nicolaas J Smith. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Venezuela: best real-time economics lesson about HCA during hyperinflation in an oil-rich country

Venezuela: Historical  Cost Accounting 101 during hyperinflation in an oil-rich country

1. The real value of the Bolivar (a monetary item) is being destroyed by Historical Cost Accounting. Proof: If all monetary items (items expressed in Bolivars) in Venezuela were inflation-indexed DAILY there would be no loss of real value in these items. Like Brazil did with many monetary items (not all) from 1964 to 1994. There would, however, still be hyperinflation while the Central Bank of Venezuela keeps on creating too many Bolivars. But, there would be no destruction of real value over time in Bolivar monetary items in Venezuela. Prof Steve Hanke said this is an interesting idea. 

Who is to blame: The International Accounting Standards Board. 

Why? The IASB requires Venezuela to implement IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies in terms of the MONTHLY published CPI. It has been implemented in Venezuela since 2009. 

Solution: The IASB should change IAS 29 to require DAILY INDEXING instead of the use of the monthly published CPI. This was done very successfully in Brazil and other Latin American countries in the past. The IASB simply ignores that.

2. The real value of variable real value non-monetary items (e.g. electrical appliances) is being destroyed by Nicolas Maduro´s price fixing.

Who is to blame: Nicolas Maduro and his advisers.

Solution: These variable real value non-monetary items should be valued at the parallel rate and normal forces of competitive demand and supply should be allowed to rule in the market. There would - ceteris paribus - be no loss of real value in these items.

3. The real value of constant real value non-monetary items, e.g., salaries, wages, rents, trade debtors, trade creditors, etc. is being destroyed by Historical Cost Accounting. Proof: If they were measured in units of constant purchasing power in terms of a DAILY INDEX there would be no loss of real value in these items, i.e., no loss of real value in salaries, wages, rents, trade debtors, trade creditors, etc. Like Brazil did from 1964 to 1994.

Who is to blame: The International Accounting Standards Board. 

Why? The IASB requires Venezuela to implement IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies in terms of the MONTHLY published CPIIt has been implemented in Venezuela since 2009. 

Solution: The IASB should change IAS 29 to require DAILY INDEXING instead of the use of the monthly published CPI. This was done very successfully in Brazil and other Latin American countries in the past. The IASB simply ignores what happened in Brazil in the past.

Why does the IASB not change IAS 29 to require DAILY indexing? 

(i) The IASB does not understand financial capital maintenance in units of constant purchasing power in terms of a DAILY index. The IASB is too arrogant to spend the time to properly find out the benefits of Daily Indexing. Financial capital maintenance in units of constant purchasing power at all levels of inflation and deflation was authorised by the IASB twenty four years ago in the original Framework (1989), Par. 104 (a) which states: "Financial capital maintenance can be measured in either nominal monetary units or units of constant purchasing power." 

(ii) According to Michael Stewart, the Director of Implementation Activities - the IASB´s view is that financial reporting has no effect on the economy. (That was an absolutely silly statement by Michael Stewart. It shows the low level of understanding of basic accounting and economic concepts at the IASB.)

(iii) The IASB is not responsible enough to take financial capital maintenance in units of constant purchasing power in terms of a DAILY INDEX seriously.

(iv) Venezuela and Belarus are relatively small economies and thus not important to the IASB. When the world economy was crippled during the 2008 financial crisis, the IASB had a special task force to deal with fair value accounting. The IASB has not even included research regarding Daily Indexing in Research projects on which preliminary work is not expected to commence until after the 2015 agenda consultation. After an agenda consultation, the IASB normally takes one year to come to conclusions regarding the consultation. They are very laid back at the IASB. The research project Financial Reporting in High Inflationary Economies is now included by the IASB in Research projects for which the timing of preliminary work has not yet been confirmed, i.e., perhaps in 2017 or later.

(v) According to Michael Stewart, the IASB is incapable of expressing a view regarding whether IAS 29 had a positive or negative effect on Zimbabwe´s hyperinflationary economy in the past since the Board has not yet had a special review of the problem while all other accountants in the world would generally agree that it is very, very obvious that IAS 29 had no positive effect  on Zimbabwe´s economy like it is currently not having a positive effect on the Venezuelan economy. The IASB cannot grasp that.

Nicolaas Smith 

Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Nicolaas J Smith. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Daily indexing (CMUCPP) is a paradigm change

Daily indexation, i.e., Capital Maintenance in Units of Constant Purchasing Power in terms of a Daily Index as authorized in IFRS and US GAAP was the macroeconomic measure that stabilized the Brazilian non-monetary and daily indexed monetary economy during hyperinflation.
Asked to define Twitter someone said:
Twitter is the essential utility we need – which we only realized we needed, once we actually had it.
Daily indexing (CMUCPP) is the FREE essential paradigm change needed in Venezuela.
Official dollarization is very costly AND the country loses independent monetary policy.
Spontaneous dollarization is also “free” but the country will continue to lose independent monetary policy.
Daily indexation (CMUCPP) would stablize an economy AT NO COST at any rate of inflation or deflation.
Daily indexation (CMUCPP) is a paradigm change. It is a macroeconomic measure. 

Daily indexation (CMUCPP) stops the Historical Cost paradigm. It stops the stable measuring unit assumption being implemented.

Nicolaas Smith 

Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Nicolaas J Smith. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Sunday 27 October 2013

Third prize for The Silliest Statement Regarding Accounting in 2013-to-date

Third Prize for The Silliest Statement Regarding Accounting in 2013-to-date is awarded to Michael Stewart, Director of Implementation Activities at the International Accounting Standards Board for his statement that "Financial reporting has NO EFFECT on the economy" on 8 January 2013 in London.

First Prize: IASB STAFF for the statement 

"23. Consequently, we are of the view that IFRSs PROHIBIT an entity from preparing its financial statements under the concept of financial capital maintenance defined in constant purchasing power units unless the entity falls within the scope of IAS 29."


Second prize goes to Prof. Steve Hanke for the following statement:

"Hyperinflation begins when a country experiences an inflation rate of greater than 50% percent per month — which comes out to about 13,000% per year."

IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies, Par. 3 states:

"Hyperinflation is indicated by characteristics of the economic environment of a country which include, but are not limited to, the following:

(e) the cumulative inflation rate over three years is approaching, or exceeds, 100%."

These awards will only be finalised on 1 January 2014.

Nicolaas Smith Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Nicolaas J Smith. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Official and parallel rate generally unify at the parallel rate

The official and real (often the parallel) exchange rate with the US Dollar generally unify at the parallel rate. This is now happening in Cuba. Eventually it will also happen in Venezuela and Belarus.

Cuba to scrap dual-currency system (BBC)

Nicolaas Smith 

Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Nicolaas J Smith. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies—Applicability of the concept of financial capital maintenance defined in terms of constant purchasing power units

Interpretations Committee tentative agenda decision 

The Interpretations Committee reviewed the following matter and tentatively decided that it should not be added to the Interpretations Committee's agenda. This tentative decision, including recommended reasons for not adding the items to the Interpretations Committee's agenda, will be reconsidered at the Interpretations Committee meeting in January 2014. 

Interested parties who disagree with the proposed reasons, or believe that the explanations may contribute to divergent practices, are encouraged to email those concerns by 20 November 2013 to Correspondence will be placed on the public record unless the writer requests confidentiality, supported by good reason, such as commercial confidence. 

IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies—Applicability of the concept of financial capital maintenance defined in terms of constant purchasing power units 

The Interpretations Committee considered the following two questions: 

a. whether an entity is permitted to use the financial capital maintenance concept defined in terms of constant purchasing power units that is described in the Conceptual Framework when the entity's functional currency is not the currency of a hyperinflationary economy as described in IAS 29 Financial 
Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies; and 

b. if such use is permitted, whether the entity needs to apply IAS 29 to its financial statements prepared under a specific model of that concept of financial capital maintenance when it falls within the scope of 
IAS 29. 

The Interpretations Committee observed that the guidance in the Conceptual Framework is written to assist the IASB in the development of Standards and that it is also used in the development of an accounting policy only when no IFRSs specifically apply to a particular transaction, other event or condition and no IFRSs deal with similar and related issues. Consequently the guidance in the Conceptual Framework relating to the use of a particular capital maintenance concept cannot be used to override the requirements of individual IFRSs. An entity is not permitted to apply a concept of capital maintenance that conflicts with the existing requirements in a particular IFRS, when applying that IFRS. 

In addition, the Interpretations Committee noted that the results of the outreach indicate that these issues are not widespread. For this reason the Interpretations Committee [decided] not to add these issues to its 

The IASB staff´s guidance to the IASB Interpretations Committee was as follows:

23. Consequently, we are of the view that IFRSs PROHIBIT an entity from preparing its financial statements under the concept of financial capital maintenance defined in constant purchasing power units unless the entity falls within the scope of IAS 29.

STAFF PAPER Agenda ref 12 PROJECT IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies PAPER TOPIC Applicability of the concept of financial capital maintenance defined in constant purchasing power units

The above guidance earned the IASB Staff this award.

Monday 14 October 2013

Congratulations to Shiller, Fama and Hansen for sharing the 2013 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences

Eugene F. Fama, Robert J. Shiller and Lars Peter Hansen shared the 2013 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for their research on how the market prices of assets such as stocks move. (Bloomberg)
Robert Shiller has also done very important research regarding government capital inflation-indexed bonds. These bonds are inflation-adjusted daily in terms of a country specific Daily CPI. A Daily CPI is a 2-, 3- or 4-month lagged, daily interpolation of the monthly published CPI. 

These government capital inflation-indexed bonds are currently the principle means of maintaining the real value of monetary items constant over time during inflation and deflation in the USD 2.4 trillion (2013) global market for these sovereign bonds.

The Daily CPI is used as the Daily Index under Capital Maintenance in Units of Constant Purchasing Power during low and high inflation and deflation.

The Daily CPI is always available in advance. It can be available up to a month and a half in advance. There are never any surprises with the Daily CPI. The Daily CPI is daily inflation always known in advance.

The use of the Daily CPI was suggested to the IASB to be used in the future IFRS regarding Financial Reporting in High Inflationary Economies.

Inflation-indexing all monetary items would remove the total effect of inflation (not actual inflation) from the entire economy. Inflation only affects the real value of monetary items. Inflation has no effect on the real value of non-monetary items. The same holds true for deflation. 

Nicolaas Smith Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Nicolaas J Smith. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Accounting and Business Research Special Issue Call for Papers: The Conceptual Framework

Accounting and Business Research Special Issue Call for Papers 

The Conceptual Framework

According to the IASB financial reporting has NO EFFECT on the economy

Financial reporting ALWAYS AFFECTS the economy since the economy is made up of economic entities and economic items and an entity has to choose an accounting model which is determined by the capital maintenance concept and measurement bases chosen as per the Conceptual Framework.

Most entities choose the financial capital maintenance in nominal monetary units (Historical Cost) concept.

Both IFRS and US GAAP also authorise capital maintenance in units of constant purchasing power at all levels of inflation and deflation.

The IASB staff, under the direction of Michael Stewart, are currently guiding the IASB Interpretations Commitee to ban financial capital maintenance in units of constant purchasing power during low and high inflation and deflation.

Accounting is a measurement instrument according to David Mosso.

IASB view

According to the IASB "financial reporting has NO EFFECT on the economy" as stated by Michael Stewart, Director of Implementation Activities at the IASB, on 8 January 2013 in London.

Nicolaas Smith Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Nicolaas J Smith. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Difference between gaap and GAAP


Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are fiat-based code-law criteria.


Generally accepted accounting principles (gaap) are market-based common-law criteria, under which individuals are held to widely accepted standards of behavior.

To what extent are the accounting standards promulgated by the FASB a codification of what constitutes generally accepted accounting principles ( a market-based common-law criterion, under which individuals are held to widely accepted standards of behavior ) as distinct from Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ( a fiat-based code-law criterion) ? 

Ball R 2008 What is the Actual Economic Role of Financial Reporting? Accounting Horizons, Vol 22, No 4, p4

Nicolaas Smith Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Nicolaas J Smith. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Thursday 10 October 2013

CMUCPP awards for the silliest statements about accounting for 2013-to-date.

First Prize: IASB STAFF

The CMUCPP award for the silliest statement about accounting for 2013-to-date is hereby awarded to the IASB Staff for the following statement:

23. Consequently, we are of the view that IFRSs PROHIBIT an entity from preparing its financial statements under the concept of financial capital maintenance defined in constant purchasing power units unless the entity falls within the scope of IAS 29.

STAFF PAPER Agenda ref 12 PROJECT IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies PAPER TOPIC Applicability of the concept of financial capital maintenance defined in constant purchasing power units

IASB Staff members are in a very silly way attempting to ban financial capital maintenance in units of constant purchasing power (DAILY indexing or DAILY measurement in units of constant purchasing power) during low and high inflation and deflation when it is, in fact, authorised at all levels of inflation and deflation in the Conceptual Framework (2010), Par. 4.59 (a) which states: 

"Financial capital maintenance can be measured in either nominal monetary units or units of constant purchasing power."

The IASB Staff members demonstrate a shocking lack of sound judgement and common sense - two of the most important characteristics required for working at the IASB (although it certainly does not seem like that with Michael Stewart - a senior IASB director - even having gone so far as to state on 8 January 2013 in London that "financial reporting has no effect on the economy").

Financial Capital Maintenance in Units of Constant Purchasing Power (indexing or measurement in units of constant purchasing power) is a generally accepted accounting practice (GAAP) at all levels of inflation and deflation. Also see US FASB Concepts Statement Nº 6. The most common embodiment is the practice of measuring salaries, wages, rentals, etc. in units of constant purchasing power on an annual basis (although these items are then paid on a monthly basis during the financial year again implementing the stable measuring unit assumption: they are paid in fixed nominal monthly payments) as well as inflation-indexing monetary items, e.g., sovereign capital inflation-adjusted bonds (more than USD 2.4 trillion world wide) on a daily basis under Historical Cost Accounting. HCA - which the IASB staff state is the sole target of current IFRS excluding IAS 29 - includes various other measurement bases besides measurement in nominal monetary units (see the Conceptual Framework) which applies the stable measuring unit assumption under which it is mistakenly assumed that the monetary unit of account is perfectly stable over time during low and high inflation and deflation.

Each measurement basis (implemented under HCA) results in a proportional financial capital maintenance (of net equity) in terms of that particular measurement basis: in units of constant purchasing or nominal monetary units or whatever - depending on the measurement basis for that particular (never quantified under HCA) portion of epuity. Current (2013) IASB staff find it very difficult to grasp and understand these type of concepts. Current IASB staff operate on the "monekey see, monkey do" basis: when the words are written in IFRS, then the concept is acceptable; when the words are not written in IFRS, then it is not acceptable: no judgement or common sense required.

While we have inflation and deflation entities will instinctively index some very sensitive items (e.g., salaries, wages, rents, etc.): the invisible hand of self-interest. To try and deny it with a silly IASB staff recommendation to the IASB will eventually prove futile: self-interest will never be eliminated - in the long run. Entities are not blind to the stable measuring unit assumption (in the measurement of constant real value non-monetary items) and inflation/deflation (in the measurement of monetary items) and will - in the long run - not ignore their own self-interest.


Second prize goes to Prof. Steve Hanke for the following statement:

"Hyperinflation begins when a country experiences an inflation rate of greater than 50% percent per month — which comes out to about 13,000% per year."

IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies, Par. 3 states:

"Hyperinflation is indicated by characteristics of the economic environment of a country which include, but are not limited to, the following:

(e) the cumulative inflation rate over three years is approaching, or exceeds, 100%."

Prof. Hanke´s definition of hyperinflation is just nonsense.

These awards will only be finalised on 1 January 2014.

Nicolaas Smith Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Nicolaas J Smith. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Unconditional Cash Transfer

From Caracas Chronicles:

extorres says:
Nicolaas Smith,
Juan’s post’s “free cash” is very different to UCT. Start with a country that has no oil, nor other natural resource. Its government must fulfill its duties, limited by income from taxation. The government’s incentive is to maximize its people’s success because that is what maximizes its own income from taxation, which, in turn, maximizes what it can do to maximize its people’s success, which is what keeps people voting for its stay in power. Now let’s compare the two scenarios: A) The free cash to which Juan is referring, and B) UCT to which I refer.
A) The government now gets two incomes, oil money and taxation money. Suddenly the government’s incentive is no longer to maximize taxation money because it is so much easier and more than sufficient to maximize oil income. Whether its people fare well or badly becomes more irrelevant the more money it gets from oil. The government uses the oil money to reward submission and loyalty while punishing dissent.
B) The government only gets a single income, taxation money, so the incentives remain as in a healthy, non oil country. The difference is that now the people have a bonus income which makes it even easier on the government since it has to worry that much less on poverty alleviation programs and can focus on maximizing its people’s success. The government does not have use of the money to reward loyalty and punish dissent.
You see, NS, the key is in the *unconditionality*. That requirement in the UCT proposal is what does not allow the cash to be used in the faulty way to which Juan is pointing in his post.
You were criticizing some time ago about people not considering your DI proposal as much as you think they should. The arguments you used apply to your not considering UCT as much as you should. Remember, whichever proposal is endorsed, right now we need one that not only works, but that it wins votes and that it cannot be countered. UCT is the one to best fit the bill.
By the way, you really need to drill it in: There is no such thing as a free lunch; it comes from somewhere, and it’s paid for.
  • Extorres, I read the 2007 post “Torres in Bethlehem”: it does not explain UCT in detail. Where can I find a detailed explanation of UCT?
    (My capitalist mindset prejudice me towards the idea of UCT: l automatically think it would be fundamentally flawed because of the “crazy” cash transfer idea. Cash transfer just sounds very silly to me.) [This is just confidential between you and me, of course. :-) ]
    “Torres in Bethlehem” showed me that Venezuela is a freak country and you are a freak society.You are not a normal economy and not a normal society. Oil is certainly the devil´s excrement to you. I have a feeling that UCT is obviously your attempt to normalise Venezuelan society and its economy. Cash transfer just sounds fundamentally wrong. Something for nothing never works.
    Venezuela is ultimately lucky: oil resources have to come to an end some or other time in the future. Then you will spontaneously become a normal society and a normal economy. The change-over will obviously be very traumatic if you do not prepare for it. Current signs are that you are not preparing for it. The end of oil is still far away for you. The sooner the end of oil revenue the better for Venezuela. In the mean time you have the misfortune that clowns can run your country because … (I can not state the obvious).
    • Andersen says:
      You won’t find a lot of people agreeing with you, but quite simply you stated the truth. Venezuela is a freak country with a freak society. Everybody knows that, except Venezuelans, the people who against all odds succeeded in turning gold into crap.
    • extorres says:
      Nicolaas Smith,
      The proposal you hear me describe is part of a multipart proposal with which I came up for Venezuela. I presented it publicly in Caracas for the first time back in 1996. I’ve tweaked some aspects since then, mostly as a result of the many discussions throughout which the details are sprinkled. I have yet to write a single, all encompassing version. Caracas Chronicles took several years to finally give the idea any traction with the milestone post that you already read, .
      By the way, I think you misattribute the source of your rejection to this idea. It can’t be your capitalistic mindset for it is mainly capitalists, myself included, that support it. In fact, how capitalistic can you get when the game of Monopoly gives free cash every time you pass Go? Since the difference with that game and life is that we cannot accept people being left out of play in life, then the tweak to make Monopoly like this proposal is to give cash on each turn, not just when passing Go. This way, every player would have enough to continue playing indefinitely. Nothing going against capitalism there.
      You are correct that the freakiness is what got me to come up it the idea, but after open-mindedly analyzing it as a system, it turns out that the idea is fundamentally sound for any country. Note how the TED talk McAfee video talks about guaranteed income. That’s the growing global thinking.
      Your thinking that this proposal is about “something for nothing” is incorrect. Again, there are no free lunches. There is never a something for nothing. But even simpler than that, you have to look at the alternative. If a little money for nothing to someone is such a repulsive idea to you, what makes you think giving a boatload of money for nothing to someone is any better? All the ills that you envision from giving shares of money to all citizens are centralized when you give the total of the money to the government. But looking at the nothing, what exactly is it that we can expect from government when we give it oil money and how does that compare with what we could expect from the citizens? Well, what I would expect from the citizens is that each citizen spend the money in a way that is most beneficial to himself, at least beneficial in how each citizen perceives it. This spending would help the consumer market considerably, while retaining the incentives of a healthy, non oil nation, rather than the petrostate disaster that giving the oil money to the government achieves. Besides, next time you try to convince anyone that giving money for nothing in exchange never works, remember all the positive results cash distribution is having worldwide.
      I disagree that the sooner the oil ends the better for Venezuela. If UCT is implemented, all Venezuelans will be better off, and the longer that lasts, the better for Venezuela. Did I forget to mention UCT wins votes?
      • Extorres,
        Thank you for all the links. This is an important subject, the detail of which I am not familiar with. So, I will read them carefully.
        Smith´s division of labour immediately springs to mind when I think about how this all fits together because I have a gut feeling that in the end you and I will agree on fundamentals.
        I look forward to continuing our very enjoyable conversation.
      • Extorres,
        I have read all the articles and I have listened to all the videos you listed above. I now have a basic idea of what Unconditional Cash Transfer is. That does not make me an expert on the subject. You are the expert on UCT. I am an expert in Daily Indexing. Division of labour between you and I – as Adam Smith stated – is a basic building block of creating wealth.
        I support your idea of UCT for Venezuela. You know the details.
        Daily Indexing does not purport to deal with any political or social or socio-economic aspect of the petro-state or the state-citizen relationship or direct resource allocation or anything like that.
        Daily Indexing is simply a measurement basis during inflation and deflation for
        daily inflation-indexing [1] monetary items – monetary loans, bonds, etc. in terms of the Daily Index – and
        measuring [2] constant real value non-monetary items – e.g., salaries, wages, rents, interest, capital, reserves, trade debtors, trade creditors, taxes, taxes payable, taxes receivable, etc. in units of constant purchasing power in terms of the Daily Index and
        updating the third fundamental economic item, [3] variable real value non-monetary items (e.g. property, plant, equipment, finished goods, raw material, etc.) in terms of the Daily Index.
        It so happens that when you measure the above items as stated in a double entry accounting model, namely Capital Maintenance in Units of Constant Purchasing Power (for every debit there is a corresponding credit), you stabilise the non-monetary economy. This ONLY happens when you apply a DAILY Index, actually an index that follows ALL changes in the general price level. From about 3000% inflation per annum, you would have some days on which the price level would change more than once a day. The Index you use has to follow ALL changes in the general price level – at least daily.
        When you inflation-index ALL monetary items at least DAILY you remove the EFFECT of inflation or deflation – not actual inflation or deflation. It will be AS IF there is no inflation or deflation while you actually still have inflation or deflation. This is easy to see in capital inflation-indexed government bonds. I believe they do exist in Venezuela. These Venezuelan capital inflation-adjusted sovereign bonds are tightly held by major banks in Venezuela according to Miguel Octavio.
        Daily Indexing can be used by any political model. It would have the same stabilising effect when it is properly implemented. The sound characteristics of Daily Indexing is inextricably built into the model. Daily Indexing does nothing directly to stop inflation or deflation. It only removes the actual real EFFECT of inflation or deflation.
        Dagoberto Salazar stated in CC:
        The former paragraph takes me to one of the drawbacks of TP: inflation. An undervalued currency and a surplus in money supply will certainly spur inflation. But let’s face it: we already have one of the worst inflation rates in the world, so TP won’t make things worse.
        Daily Indexing would remove the EFFECT inflation. See above. It would be AS IF there is no inflation.

        Over the medium term the stabilising effect of DAILY INDEXING would lead to low inflation. Copying Brazil´s Real Plan would mean that Daily Indexing would kill hyperinflation OVERNIGHT at no cost. But, you have to copy the Real Plan exactly. It was implemented over 3o days from 1 June 1994 to 30 June 1994 in Brazil. Easy to copy.

        It needs ONE other essential item without which it would not be possible to implement it in Venezuela: GOOD GOVERNANCE.

        Dagoberto Salazar stated:

        Then, at the end of each quarter (let’s say we are in the second quarter, or 2Q) the government will compute the total gross oil income from the previous quarter (1Q), and will divide it by the number of Venezuelans that were alive for the full quarter, and the number of days in that quarter. People that died or were born (or naturalized) during 1Q will not get their quarter share. Simple enough. Transparent enough.

        Then, the government will deposit the corresponding quarter share, in Bolivars, into each active account. The one-quarter delay will allow for updates in the database of living Venezuelans, and will keep the work manageable for a relatively small bureaucracy.

        Currently you have something like 3% inflation per month in Venezuela. A one quarter delay with nominal Historical Cost values (not measured in units of constant purchasing power in terms of a Daily Index) would mean that everyone would lose real value in their UCT receipts at an annualised rate of something like 45% per annum -your rate of hyperinflation. Under Daily Indexing the UCT values would change daily in nominal values but stay the same in real values. You need Daily Indexing.
        This applies to everything else Dagoberto stated in /day values. Under HCA they will stay nominal and lose real value at a rate of 45% per annum. Under DI they would change daily in nominal value and stay the same in real value.
        So, Extorres, I agree with UCT, but, you need to do it under Daily Indexation.

        If you would help me to get the International Accounting Standards Board to change IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies which Venezuelan companies have been implementing in terms of the IASB´s mistaken requirement of the monthly CPI since 2009, to REQUIRE Daily Indexing, then only the Venezuelan non-monetary economy would strongly move towards stabilisation as a result of an International Financial Reporting Standard without your government being involved. It would do nothing to hyperinflation in Venezuela over the short term.

        I described above what you have to do to stop hyperinflation overnight in Venezuela at no cost, but, with the requirement of GOOD GOVERNANCE.
        • One very, very scary aspect of the current IAS 29 – which requires the use of the MONTHLY CPI – is the fact that it had absolutely NO POSITIVE EFFECT during the eight years it was implemented at the end of Zimbabwe´s hyperinflation. The same will happen in Venezuela with a severe increase in hyperinflation. Daily Indexing has to be REQUIRED in IAS 29 to fix it. The IASB does not yet understand this. They and the people they consult have no experience of hyperinflation. It may take them another 10 to 20 years to understand it. Actual direct pressure from Venezuelan accountants or anyone in Venezuela would make a big difference.